Thursday, December 29, 2011

Try, Try Again: The Gadget Nerd Version

So this year has been shockingly un-bloggy. Apparently that farm box structure may have been essential to my blogging consistency. Now on a new coast, CSAs or farm boxes are rarely year round and a bit more exotic (the service, not the offerings). Well I'll try something new. We are still eating dinner, and I still, ideally, have to plan for it and to help the kid's lack of mad organization skills we are all giving the Rembember the Milk (RTM) App & Website a try. So maybe I can re-build blogging into my routine. Actually I meal plan on Google Tasks, this way it shows up on the calendar, but I am migrating my shopping list to RTM.

I am hoping for three post to end the year; this re-launch, the annual holiday cookie plan and a last 2011 menu plan. Hopefully these will get the rust off, and regular at least weekly blogging for the new year will commence.

The new menus may be of a slightly more health aware bent; as always Y & I could shed a few pounds, my cholesterol level is getting the stink eye from my new doctor, and I have a vitamin D deficiency (yeah not in California anymore, where it comes from the sky). Now vitamin D & cholesterol recommendations are almost diametrically opposed; egg yolks would help and milk and yogurt, do NOT eat more than 2 yolks a week. I can only shrug my shoulders and try to eat fresh whole food, maybe a little less beef and cheese, more fish, take my crazy prescription vitamin supplement and add some Omega 3, 6 and fish oils to the mix. Sadly there will be less baking after the new year, and I'll miss it, maybe it will return one day. We have some very nice farmers markets nearby and I have a lead on a nice local CSA, so maybe that will return before too long. If the blogging mojo returns maybe I'll add a lunch plan, my daytime eating could certainly use the structure. Yikes, I've nearly made resolutions and I don't make resolutions.

Anyway Happy New Year to All! Here's to a happier, healthier 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have some great food related fodder to get the blog back up and running! I am looking forward to it! I know what you mean about the health and less baking. A bummer, for sure. I was going low carb for a while (not "no", but "low") and I feel my family's sweet tooth suffered for it, because I can't be trusted around baked goods. ;)

    Anyway, Happy New Year to you and the Family!
