Thursday, February 11, 2010

Trying Something New

So it has been quiet here at Food Whimsy, because I have been a little fixated on another food project. About a month ago, a harebrained scheme was hatched, a cocktail party, a proper adults only swanky party. It was the right time. We'd been in our house for a year, hadn't yet had a housewarming party. I was having a birthday of a round number that will remain nameless and it fell on a Saturday.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, but then I start looking at appetizer and hors d'oeuvre recipes and just start twitching. Little bite size food, sooo fussy, and labor intensive, not my thing at all. This meant I spent all my time googling for party inspiration and not blogging our weekly menu plan and, oh yeah, procrastinating.

Enter have found a few things there, but it was a godsend. There was an excellent cocktail party planning guide, for foods and drinks quantities, helpful suggestions like renting glassware, all sorts of good stuff to cover for complete inexperience. For a food menu, the timing wasn't perfect. There were old New Year Eve Party menus and new Super Bowl Party menus, a few Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year menus were starting to appear, but when push came to shove (better known as Friday night) there was a Katie Brown New Years Eve Party menu that we used most of, back filling with some uninspired but handy basics like a shrimp ring and a veggie tray. Gimlet Fest 2010 was on, folks seem to have a good time, and the food was good too.

So I will post the best of the party food this week and hopefully we will return to our regular scheduled recipe journal-ing this weekend.