Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holiday Cookies

We're trying to avoid too many sweets, so I'm not really doing much baking for around the house this holiday season. However Mr. Plaidsneakers felt the need to make a gesture for his minions at work. Now I find myself baking for the office this weekend. On the to do list...Candy Cane Crumbled Brownies, Irish Gingerbread, Alton Brown's Sugar Cookies, Chocolate Snowflakes, Cinnamon Sugar Walnuts and Nancy Drew's Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies.

Some of these recipes were already posted, and I have tried to link them. Others will appear over the holidays when there are lulls. The mystery of the Candy Cane Crumbled Brownies I will solve here, because it couldn't be easier.

Your favorite brownie recipe
Cream Cheese Frosting (it can be a can from the store or home made both my red velvet and carrot cake recipes have cream cheese frosting recipes included)
Candy Canes (If you can get the abused and broken ones for cheap, cool, because you will be smashing them anyway)

1. Make and cool one pan of brownies.

2. Frost with Cream Cheese Frosting.

3. Sprinkle with crushed candy canes.

There is something insidiously addictive about the peppermint chocolate cream cheese combination.


  1. I wanted to ask this question on the "How Was Dinner?" post, but I didn't see the "comments" link. Anyhoo, my question is: how do you store all of your vegetables fromthe farm box? I have been using my stash of plastic bags from the grocery store, but even those are running low since I usually bring my own reusables! Do you have an eco-friendly tip?

  2. Mostly Tupperware Fridgesmart. Airtight boxes with little valves to open or close depending on how much air a particular kind of produce needs. The list is on the side of the box. This also means I tend to use my veggie drawers for other things like bread products. I seems to add some real longevity.
